JobKeeper 2.0 Payment Changes You Need To Know About

After September, the payment amount is going to change.

You have to consider whether or not, before the 1st of March, on a four-week average period, did any of your employees work more than twenty hours? If they did, the payment drops down to $1,200 per fortnight for the September to December period. Then from January to the March period, it will drop to $1,000 per fortnight.

The second payment tier is, if your employees had worked less than twenty hours per fortnight, it will drop from $1,500 to $750 per fortnight and then down to $650 for the January to March period.

Now, they’re dropping these payments because what they saw in JobKeeper 1.0 was that it was also encouraging people not to get back to work. So when the restrictions are being reduced, they’re going to drop the JobKeeper to incentivise you to make a little bit more cash by actually putting in the hours.

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